About Us
Khadija Development Foundation (KFD) is a non-profit organization, founded in 2001, to provide community development programs, civic education and capacity building, and implements positive interventions in emergency situations, assisted by the presence of cadres and youth work teams with high competencies and expertise in volunteering, innovation and humanitarian work, It also enjoys strategic partnerships with many international, regional and local organizations. The Foundation works in the following areas:
- Training and Rehabilitation Of People with Special Needs.
- Food Security and Improved Livelihoods.
- Youth Development And Empowerment.
- Humanitarian Aid and Relief.
- Water And Environment.
- Democracy, Peace, Human Rihts.
Latest News
Khadija Centers for the Care and Rehabilitation of the Handicapped Governorate Governorate The second phase is launched
Khadija Centers for the Care and Rehabilitation of the Handicapped Governorate Governorate The second phase is launched [..]
14 Feb, 2021 | majed -
ضمن مشروع التدخل المتكامل بمديرية القفر توزيع الدفعة السادسة من الغذاء لعدد 1098 مستفيد مع الاخذ بالاحترازات العالمية للوقاية من الكورونا اثناء توزيع الغذاء
وزعت nbspمؤسسة خديجة للتنمية nbspبمحافظة إب وبدعم من مكتب الأمم المتحدة للشئون الانسانية YHF بتوزيع 1098 سلة غذائية في سبع عزل بمديرية القفر محافظة إب الدفعة الشهرية السادسة nbsp ويشمل المشروع توزيع أكثر من 6588سلة غذائيه على ست م [..]
12 Apr, 2020 | administrator -
Launching the distribution of the fourth batch of food within the integrated intervention project in Al-Qafr Directorate, Ibb Governorate
The project includes the distribution of more than 6588 food baskets in six stages targeting the most affected groups in society which meet the conditions of the targeted groups which will enable the beneficiaries to pay their children to enroll in education as well as for needy families classified in the fifth level of starvation who need emergency food assistance The distribution process will [..]
14 Mar, 2020 | administrator
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